Monday, December 19, 2011

Editing and outlining

It’s been a few days since my last entry. I have been working a lot and then I had to get ready for my flight to see my family. I am back home now for the holidays, which is where I wanted to be. Even though I’ve taken a break from writing these posts I didn’t take a break from my writing.

I have been editing chapters one and two of my now completed novel, sorry I had to throw that in there, because I’m still really exciting about having a full version to edit now. It has taken longer to edit these two chapters than it did to write them in the first place. Is that normal?

Also, I have found it much easier to go back and add description where it’s needed now that I know where the story is going. I know what I can give away and what comes later, which makes it easier. I suppose I could have outlined first, but I seem to do better when I just start writing. As I write the ideas come to me, so outlining, although would have probably been very helpful since I try to foreshadow and not give too much away at once, would have also hindered me. Perhaps I will try to outline for the next part of the series and see how it goes.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

First draft complete

I have not written a post in a few days. I have been writing like crazy to finish the first draft of my novel and here’s the good news. I officially have a first full draft of my novel! I finished the ending last night…well it’s an open ending, but it’s an ending. It has close to 92,500 words. My limit was 100,000 so I was able to leave some room to add words for description during my revising stage.

It feels amazing to actually finish a project. I have been writing this story on and off for two years now. It took me sitting down for two months straight to get a full version. Before I was writing bits and pieces that came to me. This time I rewrote the whole thing while sticking with the same idea. I wrote every day and forced myself to keep going. I already have the second and third books in my head. I want to polish this one up and try to get it published. I know I still have a long road ahead of me, but finishing the first draft is a start.

Friday, December 9, 2011


I am sure everyone understands how easy it is to become distracted. I am a very well known procrastinator. I would wait until the last minute to actually write my assignments all throughout school. I needed that stress around me to motivate me. I tried working on papers as soon as I got them and I ended up getting distracted.

I know there is a difference between being distracted and procrastinating. Procrastinating is the choice you make to put something off. Distractions happen when you choose to do something and end up doing something else instead. For example I know I should write another chapter, but my roommate really wants me to go get some pizza with him. I have to eat, right? So it’s a legitimate reason to take a break.

I find it very hard to juggle my social life and my writing. I want to write all the time and when I am not writing I feel guilty about it. I also want to spend time with my friends, but in my free time I want to write. It is a vicious cycle. Perhaps someday I will be able to balance my life perfectly, but until then I will continue to get distracted by the little things in life.

Take that writer's block

I love when I am struggling to write a scene and it suddenly clicks into place. I have been working on this particular chapter for a couple days now. There is a lot of important information in it and I know It needs to be there. Usually when I have a problem with a chapter I will scrap it and start over.

After a lot of staring and thinking I started writing and my block removed itself. It was touch and go for a while, but now I feel that my chapter makes sense again. Yay for random thought processes!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Stuck in the middle

Today’s blog post is going to be about motivation/inspiration, which happens to be something I am struggling with at the moment. I had today off work and I know that I should be writing all day, but instead I find myself reading a book that I have read a handful of times because my motivation has momentarily disappeared.

I was able to write a little bit, but not as much as I should have. I even now as I should be working on my next chapter I find myself writing this blog post about how unmotivated I am. At midnight Clockwork Prince comes out and I know I will be reading it all day tomorrow, so I should be working on my novel right now.

I hear everyone hits a point in their writing where the motivation/inspiration disappears. I think I have hit that road block. I am pushing forward because that is the only thing I can do to get out of this hole I feel like I am in, but it’s not easy.

I love to write and I am more than halfway through my novel, which is huge for me. When I first started writing I would write only when I was feeling inspired, which is not the correct way to do things I have learned. It is probably the reason why it has taken me so long to reach this point in my writing. Now that I have been writing every day, even if it’s just a little bit, I feel like my story makes sense. As I write new ideas come to me. When I am not writing I am constantly thinking about how to add to the plot or keep the reader in suspense. Even though I am in this slump I feel guilty when I am not writing, however I tell myself reading and writing go hand in hand, so it’s okay to take a break as long as I am doing something productive for my writing. Has anyone else had this problem staying motivated? What keeps you persevering?

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Can't wait for Clockwork Prince

Today it is cold outside and it has been hard to force myself to write. All I want to do is curl up under a comfortable, warm blanket and read a good book. I guess winter is finally here. I finished another chapter yesterday, so I feel like the book is coming along.

I need to get more writing completed because Tuesday one of my favorite authors has a new book coming out; Cassandra Clare Clockwork Prince. If you have not read any of Cassandra Clare’s books. I recommend that you do so. They are highly entertaining and she knows how to pull on your heartstrings. I hope one day I can be as great a writer as her.

I have pre ordered my book. I know as soon as it comes in I will not get any writing accomplished until I have read the entire book. Her books keep me reading until the very last page. Even knowing I will not get to read the final book in the series for a good long time, I still can’t wait for this book. I have been eagerly awaiting for the second installment in the series. I feel like a kid that has snuck downstairs to see the presents under the Christmas tree and I can’t open anything until Mom and Dad wake up. Only two more days until I get to open my present!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

NaNoWriMo ends and my routine

The good news is I finished my chapter last night! I have almost 200 pages in my book, which is really exciting for me. This was my first time trying the NaNoWriMo. Unfortunately I did not meet the deadline and finish my novel, however I did complete 70,000+ words, so for me it was still a win. Did you participate in NaNoWriMo? If so did you make your deadline?

I am really excited to see the book coming along. I think I really needed NaNoWriMo to keep myself dedicated. Now that December is here I plan on staying just as dedicated now that I am in a routine.

Any free time I have I will check my social media sites, which I think have become a huge procrastination tool for me. I have to check my Facebook and Twitter, Tumblr, and Blogspot multiple times a day. I love seeing what everyone else is up to in the world. Then I will pick some music to listen to that matches the mood I am in. I really feel like music helps get my creative juices flowing. After I feel like I am all set I will open my book and begin writing. What is your writing routine?