Thursday, September 13, 2012

Outlining by a "Pantser"

In my last post I talked about attempting outlining before writing a word. Here is my progress so far:

Outlining has actually been very successful. I found a book writing blog, which gave me eight steps in an outline. The steps this blog gives you to creating an outline gets you to the thick of your story. I had problems outlining my existing story, which means there are more problems than I knew about. But I was successful with another story.

I've had this idea for a story in my head for a while now and I haven't pursued writing it yet. I figured I would try to outline both my stories at the same time and see which one had a better flow to it. My new story now has a beginning and an ending. I still need to figure out the meat of the story, but the idea is clear. The goals are set and the stakes have been decided.

Outlining the new story is easier. I'm not sure why, maybe it's because everything is new and still undecided. Now I have to make the decision which story I want to spend all my time with. Even though my original novel is technically written, I'm thinking about putting it on the back burner while I see where this new story takes me. What would you suggest? Have you tried outlining yet?

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