Thursday, August 1, 2013

What's your writing environment?

I haven't posted anything in a while because I was in the process of moving across the country. I'm now back home with my family where I belong. Now that the move is over it's time to get back to working on my novel again...I hope I can find everything.

Moving is like Christmas morning. If you don't label your boxes, like me, then every box you open is a surprise. It's kind of the same if you are a "panster." Every sentence you write can be a surprise. But this post is more about the writing environment. At this moment I'm having problems writing this post due to a tv, screaming baby, and people talking around me. Not the best environment for concentrating on your writing.

How many of you have an ideal writing place? A lot of people I know go to coffee shops and write there, but I am one of those people who need a door to close to tune everything out. When that door closes, my mind automatically knows it's time to get down to business.

Well I have an almost-one-year-old fighting for my attention, so until next time I hope you find joy in your writing!

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