Thursday, April 5, 2012

Don't lose yourself as a writer

I am back in my groove of writing and listening to music. I must say it’s about time. Yesterday I wrote the beginning and ending for the second book in the series. I am starting to feel like myself again. For a moment there I was so caught up in writing the perfect query letter that I lost sight of my actual writing.

I am still working on my querying, but I am no longer letting it get in the way of my writing. I write because I love to write and while I would love to see my work published, if it doesn’t happen I am not going to stop writing. I wrote for me before I started this publishing road and I will continue to write for me whether I fail or succeed. Writing keeps me sane; besides reading it is the only way I can check out into another world. At least when I write I control the outcome and the lives of my characters. I can’t do that when I read.

So to all my fellow writers. I wish you the best with all your writing, whether you want to see it published or it’s a way to keep you sane like me. I hope you always keep writing and never lose sight of yourself as a writer. If you do then I hope you find your way back like I did. I’m sure I will lose myself many more times as the self doubt and fear kick in again, but as long as I fight I know I will always find my way back.


  1. This is a great reminder to all of us. It is easy to get caught up in the details of social media, researching, querying, etc...and forget what lies at the heart of it all.

    Glad you're back to writing--keep at it!

    1. Thank you Angela. I find it's very easy to get caught up in querying and forget about the writing, which is the whole reason you query in the first place.

      Good luck with your writing also!

  2. well I don't know what querying is, but I DO know that I have lost myelf! I love to write and should get back into it, and I LOVE your point about how it keeps you sane and helps you "check out" into another place. Ohhhhh that sounds so wonderful right now! I want to pickup writing again....don't know where to start... :/

    1. I would start by just writing without thinking about anything for maybe 15 minutes or so. Then put your pen down and see what you wrote. I'm not good at planning things out so I will have a very general idea and just start writing. Eventually, things fall into place :)
